Sergey Gavrilov's Testimony (Omsk)

Testimony of Sergey Gavrilov, Siberia Duration: 18 minutes
Title: An Anticrisis Approach for Youth
Format: video, *.avi file
Quality: 192 Kbps
Language: Russian
Video: DivX MS-MPEG-4 Version 3
Audio: MPEG 1 Audio, Layer 3 (MP3)
File size: 143 Mb

Testimony of Sergey Gavrilov, a former convict and prisoner in Siberia, and now a minister of Christ. About his life before conversion, of how he met with the Lord. Highly recommend!

Quote from the testimony: "... I remember standing at the cross where Christ have been crusified, and I have been so mad at the people that did it. I told myseft: if I would be there, Lord, I would not permit anybody to even touch You. I would have fight them with knives in both hands untill my hands can move ...

... and I thought, how tired am I of my stinky life of a prisoner and drug addict. All my life I am either wanted by police, or I need to go steal something, or I need to hide, or to go fight somebody, and all my life is like that ... "

Today Sergey is a pastor of a Baptist Church in Omsk, Siberia, where the Lord is doing many of His wonderful works in the lives of many people, despized and rejected by the society.

DOWNLOAD (avi, 18 minutes, 143 Mb)

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