Sergey Gavrilov, sermon "Grace"

Сергей Гаврилов проповедь скачать
Title: Grace
Preacher: Sergey Gavrilov
Format | Quality: mp3 | 128 Kbps
Language: Russian
Duration: 33 minutes
File size: 30 Mb

When people hear of a pure message of God's love, they normally object. "You permit people to sin", they say. What do I mean by a "pure message"? This is the Gospel, when we proclaim it to the people and tell them: Come to Jesus, and He will receive you without any conditions, because He loves without conditions. Unconditional love - this is what separates God from our love. Our love is conditional. Where is conditional love - there we have two letters: IF. Which means, that I will love you and accept you, if you will do so and so. But if you will not do so and so, then I will not love and accept you.

DOWNLOAD (mp3, 33 minutes, 30 Mb)

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