Sergey Gavrilov, sermon "About wisdom"

Sergey Gavrilov preacher sermons
Preacher: Gavrilov Sergey
Title: About wisdom
Language: Russian
Scripture: 1 Kings 3:3-13
Format | Quality: mp3 | 112 Kbps
Duration: 43 minutes
File size: 40 Mb

Which one of you have recently been praying to the Lord for wisdom? Not in the "by the way" manner, but genuinely, seeking, with fasting, for two or three days? In Hebrew wisdom is "hakma" - a true understanding of the nature of things, and an ability to apply this knowledge in it's proper time and in it's proper place. I live in Tajikistan, this is not far from Israel, and if in Hebrew this word is "hakma", then in Tajik it is "hakim", "a wise one". Both Tajiks and Uzbeks have this word.

DOWNLOAD (mp3, 43 minutes, 40 Mb)

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