Juri Sipko, A Christmas Sermon "It is no longer I that live, but Christ living in me" (10.01.2010)

Jury Sipko Christmas sermonPreacher: Juri Sipko
Date: 10.01.2010
Duration: 38 minutes
Format | Quality: mp3 | 34 kbps
File size: 10 Mb

A Christmas sermon. God came in a baby. And today He reveals Himself just like that - in those helpless ones that we see on our streets. In the ones that are neglected and despized. Christimas time is testing us. If we receive Christ but continue to live as we lived before - this means we have not yet received Him. If we have truly received Christ - we do empty our hearts, we empty our pockets, we empty our daily schedrule. We reevaluate our values and start to live as God has shown us to live.

DOWNLOAD (mp3, 38 minutes, 10 Mb)

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