Evgeny Bahmutsky, sermon "How to overcome sexual temptation"

Evgeny Bahmutsky sermon mp3
Preacher: Evgeny Bahmutsky
Title: How to overcome sexual temptation
Format | Quality: mp3 | 16 Kbps (quality is not perfect, but good enough to listen and understand)
Duration: 78 minutes
Размер файла: 9 Mb

A sermon of a youth leader toward young people to help them withstand against temptations that are filling the internet today. Our cultures and our societies are filled with temptations.

Evgeny insists that it is very sad when the borders of what is permitted are being moved broadened. Many gets into a sad and sinfull condition, when they are no longer able to fight with temptation any more. They are hiding, they are full of shame and sorrow within themselves. Longing for freedom from that.

DOWNLOAD (mp3, 78 minutes, 9 Mb).

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