Sergey Gavrilov, sermon "The Purpose" - part 1

проповедь Сергея Гаврилова
Preacher: Gavrilov Sergey
Title: The Purpose (part 1)
Language: Russian
Place: Ukraine
Format | Quality: mp3 | 112 Kbps
Duration: 74 minutes
File size: 60 Mb

"Fervent in spirit, serving the Lord". Why is this an important verse? I do not believe in serving the Lord without a fervent spirit. I do not believe in ministers that are not on fire. Because that would be not a ministry of faith, but a religious service. And religious service is, as written, "the flesh profits nothing". A fleshly ministry may have some temporary effect, but a month or two or a year will pass away - and nothing will be left. What is necessary to light a fire? How to keep it on?

This is about a purpose in life. A challenge to be among those blessed ones that understand a purpose from God for their lives and strive toward it's fulfilment.

A sermon was delivered for youth leaders.

DOWNLOAD AUDIO (mp3, 74 minutes, 60 Mb)
DOWNLOAD VIDEO (flv, 74 minutes, 176 Mb)

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