Sergey Gavrilov, sermon "Parable about the eldest son"

Sergey Gavrilov SermonPreacher: Serey Gavrilov
Title: Parable about the eldest son
Language: Russian
Format | Quality: mp3 | 112 Kbps
Duration: 44 minutes
File size: 40 Mb

You come to a House of Prayer, to a Church. Easter, celebration of Christ's resurrection. You may here important questions here. "Why have you come?" This question Jesus asked Judas that came to betray Him. "Friend, why have you come?" He calls him a friend. As if He was letting him know, that there still was a possibility to change that situation. There still was a possibility to reconcile.

There is an altar call at the end of this sermon, when people come forward to entrust themselves to the Lord.

DOWNLOAD (mp3, 44 minutes, 40 Mb)

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