Sergey Gavrilov, sermon "The power and the sucess of evangelism"

Sergey Gavrilov mp3
Title: The power and the sucess of evangelism
Preacher: Sergey Gavrilov
Format | Quality: mp3 | 112 Kbps
Language: Russian
Duration: 66 minutes (part 1), 78 minutes (part 2)
File size: 53 Mb (part 1), 63 Mb (part 2)

The most important thing is, dear friends, to be plugged in to the source of power. All the rest is not so important. You know, there are many people speaking today on Church growth methods. One comes and explains something. Another comes and explaines something. But, friends, the principle is simple: all that is healthy grows. It grows automatically. And all that is needed is a healthy condition of our Churches, then they will grow without any methods. All that is unhealthy hinders growth. We do not need Church growth methodologies, we do need healthy Christians in healthy Churches. Amen?

A sermon on how to encourage a healthy, blessed by God life in Christ. Testimonies about conversions of various people, including hardened ones, in prisons. About Sergey Bessarab.

How to witness to people. How to speak to them in such a way that their hearts be touched, how to find nesessary words. To say what is needed when is needed

DOWNLOAD part 1 (mp3, 66 minutes, 53 Mb)
DOWNLOAD part 2 (mp3, 78 minutes, 63 Mb)

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